Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Best Friend's Birthday!

I should have posted this yesterday but it was a crazy day!


Terri and I have been friends since 4th grade with Mrs. Lee (I think that is who it was, wasn't it Terri?). Through multiple moves she and I remained good friends and I've experienced a lot with her..ahh the good ole Wells Branch days! When I get to go home I walk the trail behind my house and just think about all the crazy summers we had! All the dumb boys (Jeremy) that we hoped to get attention from. Terri has always been there for me and I know she will continue to be there for me (I hope!). It's hard being in a different place away from good friends and family. I have met some great people here in Louisiana but when you've known someone for 20 years that is a hard friendship to be away from!


The Northrups said...

Kat - this is a wierd place to tell you this, but I'm reading Twilight and I didn't think I'd like it but IT IS AWESOME and you need to read it because you like romances too. Seriously. I wouldn't lie to you.

Randi said...

Don't let 20 years go between seeing friends!! I know you won't, you're close enough to visit now and then!