Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So I would like to say I am officially stressed about this upcoming Thanksgiving. I have about 5 hours of work to get done in about...well 2 hours now (our Judge let us off at noon today~how nice!), I still have not gone grocery shopping (which Wal-Mart will be a nightmare), my house is a wreck~hopefully dad and Debbie won't mind :), and I'm frantically trying to think of presents to get family..I have become the last minute shopper, which every year I tell myself I will not do that next year.

I'm sure once my family gets here this evening I will be able to relax and hopefully enjoy my time once they are here. I hope all of you have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to give thanks to all you have been blessed with :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

New blog!

So I noticed I had a follower~Thanks Kirsten! And even though James and I don't have kids you guys can read about, I figure stuff still goes on in our lives that we can update our friends and family on. So hopefully this blog will be just that!

James and I drove to Arkansas this past weekend and picked up his mom and step-dad. Then we drove to northern Arkansas and spent the night with his grandma. If I get a hold of James' computer I will post a picture. It was a short trip but nice to see family. I am looking forward to Wednesday because my dad and sister will be here to spend Thanksgiving with us. I've been In LA for a little over 4 years and this will be my dad's first visit so I'm excited to show him around!